If you are using French Keymap, Remember to use "Select keymap from full list"
If you want to reconfigure keymap, just run: "kbd-config" or "dpkg-reconfigure console-common"
For more info, check this:
2. "ioctl: LOOP_SET-FS: Invalid Argument" problem when running ocs-iso/ocs-live-dev to create a customized clonezilla live. This is a bug in aufs and loopback fs. https://bugs.launchpad.net/klik/+bug/59779
To avoid this, do not using the working dir in aufs. i.e. you can mount a local dev or sshfs, say as /mnt, then "cd /mnt" to run "#sudo /opt/drbl/sbin/ocs-live-dev -g en -k NONE -s -c -m ./custom-ocs".
3. Creating recovery iso/zip function won't work if the Clonezilla live is booted in PXE or using "ToRAM" option.
4. Russian keymap is not working well: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=671650&aid=3313567&group_id=115473
5. VMFS5 issue:
Some issues were reported about imaging huge VMDK files, e.g. > 256 GB: https://sourceforge.net/p/partclone/discussion/638475/thread/806d84cb/?limit=25#a5ed This issue has been reported to upstream: https://github.com/glandium/vmfs-tools/issues/12